Dateline: 9.29.11
VOTE HERE on some of the most important Corvette questions of our times.
Okay, these aren’t earth shaking questions, it’s just Vette people wanting to have some fun. Last winter while poking through plug-in features that I thought would be neat to have here, I found a “polling” plugin that allows you to as questions with responses to choose from. It’s a neat little feature but the only thing about the polls is that after a few weeks and the post isn’t getting as much attention, the question doesn’t gather any votes.
So, we thought it would be a fun thing to create a dedicated “Polls Page.”The first thing we did was to add all 13 polls to the page with a photo references and a link back to the original post. While we don’t use the Polls feature often, when we do, it will be added to the top of the “Vette Polls” page. Look under the top banner, in the red tab bar for the “VETTE POLLS” tab.
You can participate in all of the polls. After you cast your vote, you can click the “View Results” link. Like good throttle response – instant gratification! So, vote early, but not too often. Have fun! – Scott
PS – So, if you’re ready to take on the important Corvette questions of our times and cast your vote, CLICK HERE.
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