Corvette Racers Pt. 1 – The 1969 L88 Rebel Corvette!


Words and Art by Scott Teeters as originally written for Vette Vues.

The $2.85 Million Dollar L88 Corvette Racecar!

Dateline: 10.15.15: This a Corvette racecar story with a happy ending and a big, “Cha-KING!” Racecars are a lot like racehorses, most live hard lives and tend to get used up and discarded. Some cars are saved and later surface as “survivor” cars (the horses go to stud farms). What happens to most is that after the cars no longer competitive; they’re sold off, often for not much money. The next owner applies a new livery and makes modifications that take it farther away from the original configuration. A few accidents or a fire later, and the cars are scrap. Continue reading

Corvette Racers Pt. 1 – The 1969 L88 Rebel Corvette!”